Hide and Seek
We are now in the dark of the year, a time when our ancestors would huddle together, waiting for spring and New Life. Many solstice holidays feature rituals and traditions that were devised in those long dark nights. Currently People are so concerned with losing out on their social activities and worrying about the young ones growth being stymied by lack of 21st century “normal” culture. I would like to think that in returning to our roots of far less social contact and enjoying the company of only a few, might lead us to appreciate basic truths and humanity more.
This is my mask for whenever the news comes on. I’ll let you guess if I’m talking about the virus or the orange dude. Hiding doesn’t actually improve things, but Handling fear with creative Joy is a big help. At the beginning of the virus I spent time creating art masks inspired by the fact that so many people have to wear personal protection. I now shall huddle close by my fire and use this time to share some of what I have been creating since then. Stay tuned.