Mother Winter

Mother Winter When the weather is cold and the sky dark and clear, my thoughts turn to the goddess associated with death, rebirth and dreams, Mother Winter. Commonly depicted in two forms; she appears as either a beautiful maiden, white as snow like her name, or as an elderly and …


Hide and Seek We are now in the dark of the year, a time when our ancestors would huddle together, waiting for spring and New Life. Many solstice holidays feature rituals and traditions that were devised in those long dark nights. Currently People are so concerned with losing out on …

Summer Love

That time that Michelle (AKA Shelly) met Sheldon (AKA Shelly) at the Wyoming State Fair . As we roamed the fairgrounds we kept asking children where the other turtle was because they had crushes on each other. It isn’t very often that we get to use two turtles at once. …

Social media? Feh!

I am posting images that I’ve already sent out into the Wilderness of the World Wide Web via Instagram, Facebook and other social media Outlets . As a performer I have such a quandary when it comes to utilizing them. It’s a strange cross between doing publicity and letting my …