A few months ago, I was being booked for a performance that was scheduled for June 19th, and the event coordinator asked if I had any suggestions for other performers. I told her “yes, since it’s Juneteenth you should book appropriate entertainment to celebrate” . She didn’t know what that was. When I explained, she thought it would be appropriate because it would be good for the diversity of her event and also teach her core audience something. When I reached out to my friends who are POC performers, two of them commented that it’s not their job to teach white people. If this was already a national holiday, neither side of this equation would have had problems with just planning a wonderful event. Of course with covid-19, it was cancelled anyway.
I pray that the confluence of the protests and Trump’s unfortunate Rally plans will help us have a national freedom holiday in the future. This should be an important holiday no matter what color your skin. Ending human suffering and slavery benefits all humans, and builds stronger cultures and Nations. This is about a concept and an Ideal and it should be shared with all. The dream should live on, and everyone should be working towards a better world.
this issue is not about me, but this blog is my opinion so here’s the background on the image – it’s from a performance I did titled “Tribute” . I hope it portrays my frustration and anger at the lack of movement forward.