Summer Love

That time that Michelle (AKA Shelly) met Sheldon (AKA Shelly) at the Wyoming State Fair . As we roamed the fairgrounds we kept asking children where the other turtle was because they had crushes on each other. It isn’t very often that we get to use two turtles at once. …

Social media? Feh!

I am posting images that I’ve already sent out into the Wilderness of the World Wide Web via Instagram, Facebook and other social media Outlets . As a performer I have such a quandary when it comes to utilizing them. It’s a strange cross between doing publicity and letting my …

Masked Art

Even a fairy queen needs a PPE. Mother Earth provides the Moss . I have been making a mask everyday while waiting this out. The problem is getting a good photo all by myself. I’ll try to start posting every day , it’s hard returning to the social media world. …